martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Now at Champagne! Store: PRIESTESS Gown

I looooove Enzo’s designs, and he was very kind to send me his new creation so I can show it to you. You must have this dress in your inventory, when you see the pic you will feel the urge to go get it NOW!
Priestesses are all-knowing and all-wise.  They speak for the Goddess, work for the Goddess and lives their lives to bring honor to the name of the Goddess.  When you wear PRIESTESS from CHAMPAGNE! Sparkling Fashion you will bewitch all those around you in this mesmerizing gown!
The brilliant colors of these gowns are only the beginning.  Golden diamonds adorn the sides of your face and your eyes are drawn down to the diamond-adorned chest plate and the dramatically golden, sparkling, sculpted shoulder pieces with flowing satin fabric cascading down your back on either side in either blue or purple, threaded with strands of gold and connected with double bands of either blue or purple satin.  Simply breathtaking!
The gown itself is form-fitting, with the bodice in either brilliant blue or purple satin.  The main part of the gown matches the sparkling golden shoulder pieces, and leads down to a striking train that eventually morphs into either the blue or purple satin, depending on which color gown you purchase, with gently flowing prims surrounding and moving with you as you walk.  Beautiful blue or purple satin gloves with feminine, sculpted tops are also included.
Simply stated, this gown is a dream.  It is unique, dazzling, and totally enchanting!  And it can be yours!
Important details:
1.      Comes in two colours: blue and purple
2.      The neck piece and the eye jewelry come with the dress! You don’t even need to make an effort to style it!
Scroll down to see the dress.


Amo los diseños de Enzo, y el fue tan bueno de mandarme su nueva creación para que se las muestre a todos ustedes en mi blog. Este vestido es imprescindible que lo tengan en su inventario, cuando vean la foto van a sentir la necesidad de salir corriendo a comprarlo!
El nombre de este vestido en castellano significa Sacerdotisas, esta palabra invoca toda la sabiduría. Ellas hablan por los dioses y viven su vida para traer honor a los dioses. Cuando uses este vestido de Champagne! Sparkling Fashion hechizarás a todos los que están a tu alrededor con este fascinante vestido.
Los colores brillantes del vestido, los pequeños detalles, la decoración del pecho y la joyería de los ojos, todo esto se junta para conformar uno de los mejores diseños y mejor logrado de Enzo Champagne. Después de este lanzamiento, sólo podemos esperar lo mejor de lo mejor, pura perfección en Champagne! Sparkling Fashion.
Baja para ver el vestido


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