sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Morgane’s Runway: Princess set

Poses day!! Yes, today I’m going to show you the new Morgane’s Runway: Princess set.
The pack comes with 6 poses especially made for big and very puffy gowns. And the best part is that it has one curtain pose so you don’t have to make a manual turn on runway, which makes my life sooo much easier!
Scroll down to see the pics.

Día de poses!! Si, hoy les voy a mostrar las nuevas poses de Morgane’s Runway: Princess set.
El pack viene con 6 poses especialmente diseñadas para vestidos grandes y vaporosos. Y la mejor parte es que tiene una pose de telón para no tener que girar manualmente en la pasarela, eso hace mi vida muuucho más fácil!
Fotos abajo.

1 comentario:

  1. Very nice blog. I am a huge Morgaine fan. I will soon be starting a blog (and later to become a full magazine) called SLPeople Magazine. If you might be interested in writing a blog/column, please let me know. I would also like to invite you to join us at http://www.MyFaceModelPool.com if you have not already. I am also interested in sponsoring blogs, events, contests and shows during 2011 if that is of any interest to you. Regardless, keep up the good work.

    Happy New Year,
